Thursday, March 31, 2011

Couponing Series Part I: Getting Started

The concept of coupons seem so easy.  You give the cashier a piece of paper, and they take money off your total bill.  Easy peasy, right?  Not so much.  Using coupons can be very rewarding, but there is a learning curve associated with their use.  It has taken me some time to be able to spout off each store's coupon policy, know the best stores to use a certain coupon to maximize savings and accumulate a stash of the little bar-coded rectangles.  The Couponing Series will attempt to help you get started on your own quest for coupons.

Before you even begin to accumulate coupons, it is important you have a organizational system in place to store your savings.  There are TONS of coupon storage methods out there such as using a recipe box, baseball card holder or photo album.  I use the tried and true accordion coupon folder storage method.  I am not overly in love with this method.  I do find that I sometimes overlook high-value coupons or miss some deals because I just can't find the one I am looking for.  While this situation can be frustrating, the according coupon folder is one of the easiest ways to get started couponing.  Keep in mind, the following system works for me, but if you have a system that works better for you, then great!

I found my coupon folder in the Target Dollar Bins years ago.  You can surely find these at any store in the office supply section.  Look for one that is nice and wide so you can avoid stuffing your coupons in. 

My folder has 12 tabs which have the following labels:  cereal, snacks, canned/boxed, freezer, fridge, lady/pharm (feminine hygiene and medicine items), baby, paper (disposable paper and plastic goods), clean (cleaning products and laundry detergent), hair/body, face/shave and miscellaneous.  I decided on these labels myself.  Use labels that will work for you and the products you buy most frequently.  The front space before the first tab is reserved for free product coupons, rainchecks and other must-not-forget coupons.  I never want to forget to use a free product coupon.  Talk about coupon rage. 

As soon as I print or come across a coupon, I either file it or simply tuck it under the front flap if I don't have time to organize it that very second.  If it makes it to the flap, then I know it will make it in there sometime.  Organizing those accumulated coupons is easy to do when you have a few minutes while talking on the phone or watching TV.

I also use my coupon folder to keep my grocery list and store ads all together.  I write my grocery list on those business reply envelopes that come with credit card applications.  I put my coupons for that grocery trip inside the envelope.  I tuck that envelope and folded up store ads under the front flap of the coupon organizer.  This trick helps me keep my coupons together for the trip and keeps my ads on hand if I need to refer to them while at the store or if I plan to ad-match at Meijer or Walmart. 

Keeping your coupons organized and at the ready is the first step in maximizing your coupon savings.


  1. Do you posts come in printer friendly format? Katie K

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