Monday, April 25, 2011

Unplug to Save Money

I have incessantly reminded everyone that being "green" and being frugal go hand in hand.  This is yet another example.  You can also go as far as say thing the two aforemetioned qualities also go along with living a 'Godly lifestyle' by being good stewards of our resources and blessings.  I am not talking about unplugging to remove modern technology from your home, I am simply suggesting that you unplug it when not in use.  Cell phone chargers, TVs, radios, microwaves, hand tool chargers, and other electronics continue to use energy, even when turned off.  By unplugging them, this saves not only money, but also reduces the amount of CO2 that is being expelled into our environment.  According to an article from, if you unplug just one appliance while not in use, it will save about 1000 lbs of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere and about $20 a year.  The more appliances you unplug, the more you will save.  Here are some suggestions:
  • Put multiple items (example, everything in an entertainment center) on a power strip and just flip it off when you go to bed. 
  • Turn off your router when you shut down your computer at night.  This is easy for us, b/c the router is right next to the computer and isn't wireless.  I also switch it off when I know that I won't be using the Internet for a while. 
  • Unplug your cell phone and iPod chargers when not in use. 
  • Our garage door has a little button on the opener on the wall that can be pressed to turn off the light after you shut or open the door.  That light will stay on in the garage for four minutes, or you can turn it off yourself.  I let my button pushing kids turn it off for me when we are on our way in the little garage door.  Seems small, but every little bit adds up. 
  • Turn off lights when you leave a room. 
  • Unplug the coffee maker when not in use, especially if it has a clock on it that you don't use.
These are just suggestions.  Do what works for your family!

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