Sunday, May 1, 2011

FREE Budgeting and Retirement Planning on

'Budgets' can be a source of conflict in households.  I think we should save everything we can and my husband says he works hard and he would like to spend some of it.  Obviously, a middle ground is best.  One of the reasons I married him is because he keeps me from being a miserly bitter woman who stays at home counting her pennies. is a website that All You Magazine suggests for those who need help planning and sticking to a budget and also for those looking for free retirement planning help.  I checked out the site and they also have plans for paying off college school loans and other debt.  This is not a post promoting the site, just pointing it out as a possible resource.  Sometimes just making the plan and knowing the next step is the biggest obstacle to overcome in reducing debt.   
Frugal Fort Wayne is also interested in whether you use a budget or if your family is more of a 'wing it' household.  I don't know that one method is better than another if you are getting the results you want. 

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