Saturday, August 13, 2011

Be a 'Sports Buddy': Spend time, not money

Here is a program that allows you to save money, but more importantly, spend time with local youth craving attention.  Big Brothers/ Big Sisters is reviving an old program dubbed 'Sports Buddy' in an effort to encourage relationships between 'Bigs' and teenage 'Littles'. 

The Sports Buddy program will provide free tickets, free food, free transportation and the kids longing to be mentored.  Volunteers are encouraged to take their little buddy to at least two sporting events a month such as organized TinCaps, IPFW, or high school games.  You might even get to go to a Pacers game.  The outings can be more informal such as taking your budding fishing, biking or to the YMCA.

According to the News-Sentinel, some teens have been on the waiting list for three to seven years.  This program would be an excellent way to give back to local youth.  It is quite likely that your heart will benefit from much more than a free game ticket or hot dog.  For more details read this article in the News-Sentinel.  Go here for more info or call 456-1600.

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