Sunday, August 14, 2011

Do Something Constructive: Paper Plate Puzzles

Are you sick of your current puzzle selection or do you not have many puzzles to select from? Try this time-burning afternoon activity. Make your own puzzles out of paper plates!

Your budding artist will enjoy first decorating the paper plate. Decorating options are endless from standard crayons to a more elaborate glitter/glue decor. Obviously the latter will take a bit longer because it will have to dry before the puzzle conversion stage.

After your tot is satisfied with the appearance of his or her paper plate, have an adult (or supervise your child with safety scissors) convert the paper plate into a puzzle! You can make the edges male/female like in an adult puzzle. Or, you can cut the pieces in zig-zags or wavy edges or a combo of many different shapes.

Last but not least, after the puzzle is all cut up, sit down together to put your child's masterpiece together! After a few minutes or days or whenever your preschooler is over her creation, simply recycle!

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