Monday, October 24, 2011

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away - Really!

You have heard this saying, but it really is true, according to a Florida State University study that just came out.  Aside from finding ways to save money at the store, another way to increase your money in savings at the end of the year is to reduce your healthcare costs.  Even small healthful improvements can make a big difference, as evidenced by this study.

The facts are quite interesting.  FSU tracked women that ate apples every day and noticed that these ladies had 14% lower total cholesterol, 23% drop in LDL (the bad cholesterol) AND a 3% uptick in HDL (the good cholesterol).  Their C-reactive protein (an inflammatory marker that can measure risk for heart attack) also went down by 32%.

According to the study author, this was the only change that was made in the diets of these study participants.  Authors cite the apple's high fiber and antioxidant powers that reduce inflammation as the reason for these drastic health improvements.

Apples are inexpensive right now and apparently they provide notable heart health benefits.   Obviously, one cannot replace foods with medical care, but even small changes add up.  I think I am going to go eat an apple...

Source:  Women's Day Magazine, October 2011

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