Friday, November 4, 2011

Living Social: 50% off Mario Andretti Driving School

Check out the current Living Social deal for a unique Christmas gift for the avid racing fan on your list.  Note that if you don't want to shell out the $182 for the Driving School, you could get him or her a Ride Along Experience for only $64.  I've ran the Indy Mini on the race track, but have never gone 180 mph on it!  There is a lot of fine print, so don't forget to read!


  1. Article contains few important advantages of learning driving from driving school rather than learning from friends and relatives. Read compete article for more details.

    Driving Schools A to Z

  2. You may learn about the basic driving skills without paying anything at all. However, if nobody would be patient enough to teach you, you can just look for professional driving schools instead. Of course, they would gladly teach you how to drive safely if you would pay the price, literally.

    Indiana Driving Schools
