I was standing near the service counter the other day (waiting for my 7 year old to tie his shoes for the 5th time in that trip...he's a lefty and just can't seem to tie them tightly) and I noticed that you can buy all sorts of gift cards from Kroger. Here's the thought that immediately popped into my dementedly frugal head:
1. Load my Kroger card with my credit card to get points from the credit card company.
2. Use the Scrip card that I just loaded to buy other gift cards.
3. Get extra money off my gas by buying gift cards.
Before you send me an email saying that I am trying to cheat the system, Kroger advocates that you buy the gift cards and use them like cash. Next, I know that some people don't like to give gift cards for gifts, but I a practical (and picky, ask my mom) girl by nature, so I love gift cards. It's like having two Christmases and it frees up other money to do with what you need to.
So, just a thought for you if you need a last minute thing for someone...
The other day Kroger had a special - 4 X the fuel points for gift cards. So I bought $200 worth of gift cards (some for others, some because we use the business) and ended up after shopping as well with 1200 points for gas, so got $1.20 a gallong. So watch for the doubling etc. of the points too!