According to a flier that I picked up from the Georgetown Library you can now, "enjoy unlimited access to new and classic Disney books with just an Internet connection and library card!"
Follow this link to the spot on ACPL's website. I checked this out (ha, ha) myself to make sure it was legitimate and it was a very pleasant experience. Here are a few other helpful suggestions:
- They have adult, children's and teen's books available.
- You have to have certain computer capabilities (processor strengths, etc.). They are delineated nicely on the site.
- The library only has so many 'copies' available. You can place items on hold, though.
I absolutely love, love the library as a great place for frugal reading material, entertainment and fun for kids. I think it is great they are reaching out and adding new state of the art venues as well.
I have been getting ebooks for my Nook from the Library since January when they launched their digital library. They add around 1000 ebooks a month, so if they don't have the ebook you want, just be patient and they will probably be getting it. You can also download audiobooks right onto your MP3 player or Ipod if you like to listen to books on tape!