Thursday, May 5, 2011

Couponing Series: Recap

I've heard couponing (and frugality for that matter) described as 'stepping over dollars to pick up pennies.'  Yes, couponing requires spending large amounts of time to save a little amount of money.  But, that money adds up quickly.  As someone who is a wife and mother, works part-time and babysits nieces and nephews, and tries to provide meaningful content to ya'll, I don't have a ton of time to go around starting multi-million dollar companies to try to make more money.  But, I do have some time in which I can devote to couponing where I can save more money.  Any time I get down because I don't have an awesome big-city marketing job, my husband reminds me of the equally important job that I do have of saving money and reducing costs.

The following is a recap of the Couponing Series.  If there is an aspect of couponing that eludes you or requires further explanation, please leave a comment or email us at frugalfortwayne @ gmail dot com (omit spaces).  We are in the process of putting together a coupon class.  We'd love to hear your thoughts on what is important to you or which part of couponing you need help mastering.  Happy Saving!

Couponing Series Part I:  Getting Started
Couponing Series Part II:  Finding Coupons 
Couponing Series Part III:  Coupons in Action
Couponing Series Part IV:  Maintaining Your Coupons
Couponing Series Part V:  Enjoying the Rewards

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