Monday, April 11, 2011

Frugal Baked Goods Carrying Case

I was not blessed with a baking gene.  Don't get me wrong, I try by making healthy muffins or pancakes to freeze for the gremlins, but I don't often give away my baked goods.  Because, well, most of the time they aren't that 'good'.  Now, my mother-in-law and grandmothers are amazing bakers, and they generously give their treats away.  Consider using this nifty, disposable box trick, courtesy of Grandma R, next time you give away cookies or muffins. 
  • Find a cracker or cereal box.
  • Tape or glue the open end back together.
  • Lay the box on its side.
  • Carefully, cut three sides of the face of the box.  Be sure to leave one connected for the hinge.
  • Open your box and line with wax or parchment paper.
  • Insert your baked goods.
  • Cover with the wax paper and close the hinge.
Now, you can enjoy giving away your yummy treats without having to worry about getting your container back!  And, the people who receive them can devour the food and recycle the box!

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