Thursday, April 7, 2011

Couponing Series Part II: Finding Coupons

Now that you have your coupon folder or system neatly labeled and organized, it is time to fill it up with savings!  There are soooooooooooooo many places to find coupons.  Lets explore, shall we?
  • Sunday Newspapers
    • Inserts:  RedPlum, SmartSource and P&G have shiny, slippery inserts in almost every Sunday paper. 
    • Parade/USA Today Inserts:  They usually have one, maybe two coupons in these entertainment inserts.
  • Online:  There are so many places to get online coupons.  Below are just a few of the best.
  • In-Store
    • Service Desk:  Swing by the service desk to see if there are any coupons sitting out.
    • Peelies:  Look closely at products to see if there are coupons that you can peel off the front of the product.
    • Blinkies:  Look for those red dispensers that spit coupons out when you walk past.
    • Catalinas:  These coupons are the ones that print out at the register during your transaction.
    • On-the-shelf:  The Coupon Fairy will sometimes leave the gift of savings next to the very item you need.
    • Walmart Coupon Basket:  The Walmart on Maysville has a little basket of coupons in the entryway that you can sift through.
  • Mail
    • Loyalty/Rewards Cards:  I have received promotional mailings from Target, Kroger and Meijer due to using shopper cards and signing up for their mailing lists.
    • Free Samples:  Make sure you look closely at your free sample mailing as coupons often come with these goodies.
    • Vocalpoint:  Look for coupons with these mailings.
    • Kraft FirstTaste:  This program usual sends its coupon offerings through the mail.
    • Junk Mail:  Sometimes free product coupons come with the junk.
Hopefully, this little list will keep you and your coupon organizer busy for a bit.  Don't worry if it seems to be a bit overwhelming, and don't worry if your stash doesn't immediately resemble that of the ladies who hold up check-out lines.  Just remember to keep your eyes peeled.  Whenever you stumble across a good coupon or find a new coupon source, please send us an email or comment to let us know!

1 comment:

  1. Those are all great ways to get coupons! Another one of my favorite ways is to contact companies directly. A quick email often provides great coupons in the mail. I'm contacting 250 companies this year myself and documenting all the coupons received. You are welcome to join me at
