Monday, April 22, 2013

Frugal Shower Gift Idea

Kate and I recently helped to host a bridal shower for our sister and three cousins that are getting married this summer.  Now, being that we had four presents and food to make, we wanted to be generous but not have to take out a loan!  Here's what we did:

We each have been trying to buy cleaning supplies and other things throughout the year when they are on sale/have coupon.  This is pretty easy to do buy following national blogs and shopping at the dollar store with coupons.  Big Lot's 20% off sale is also another good way to stock up.

Joe was able to get several paper boxes from work (after they were emptied) and we loaded them up.  This is an applicable gift for a gal who is just moving out of her parent's house OR has been living on her own for some time because everyone uses cleaning products!

You can also do this with drinks for teachers, friends or other gifts.  Anything that has a category and can be assembled together attractively would work well.

Tune in tomorrow to see how I wrapped them frugally, but very creatively, if I do say so myself!

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